Learning to Be


Hard times can distract us. Complicated social dynamics can paralyze us. Difficult interactions and political uncertainties can derail us. Discouraging realities can dampen spirits and narrow our vision of what should be better. 

It doesn’t have to be that way. You can steady the course. You have resources; so many in your life appreciate who you are and what you offer. You have much to accomplish. Your community needs you. Opportunities to know and be known surround you. Life is still exciting, rich and generous. Just look around. See what is right in front of you. 

Explore more of what God intends for your life. With so much to read, so much to watch, so much to hear, so much to learn and experience and deepen your faith, do not allow momentary flits of discouragement distract you from what is better. You are needed; you are wanted. And what God has in store for you is too valuable to waste on superficialities. 

Be bold in your hopes; be wise in your time. And be. 

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