Above the Clouds


It was to be a strenuous, uphill hike from the valley floor of Wolffork Valley to the top of Black Rock Mountain. Yet I was excited about it. I had taken off from work for a day of reflection and planning.

What I didn’t anticipate was the fog.

When I began the hike around nine in the morning, everything was all “socked in.” The entire trail was engulfed in a thick fog that obscured all views. But, undaunted, I trudged ahead anyway.

You couldn’t see a thing. Every overlook on the way up was blocked. A bit disappointed I slowly moved up the trail making my way to the top. As I wandered along the trail, I noticed lots of beautiful wildflowers, trees, beautiful mountain streams, and a small cascade waterfall. The air was cool and brisk. The ambiance was neat and sort of cozy.

When I got near the top of the mountain things began to change. I first noticed foggy shafts of sunlight splashing through the trees. Then I saw hints of a bright, blue sky overhead. It was still fairly foggy, but there was a feeling of anticipation at the sight of something new!

Right at the top of the mountain – at the Tennessee Rock overlook – the air was perfectly clear. You could see for miles! The far distant mountains were sharp and distinct. It was as if you could see every tree. I was fascinated, surprised, and thrilled!

As I looked down from the overlook I saw a bright sea of white clouds covering the whole valley below. It was breathtaking. The tops of the mountains across the valley were crystal clear, but the valley was completely obscured in the thick fog. It looked like a strange, valley-size lake covered in the mist of a cool morning. It was lovely!

I sat down and soaked up the beautiful scene before me. I thought about how often in life we find ourselves lost in the fog of our present situation or circumstances. We don’t fully realize the beauty that is actually there.

From a different perspective – from the way God sees things – it is a lot clearer and often much more beautiful. He knows our needs and feels our hurts and yet He sees beyond them. He offers grace upon grace and the “peace that passes all understanding.” He knows we can’t see all that is there. And that’s where faith comes in. He asks us to trust in Him even when our view is obscured – when things don’t look very good from our limited point of view. He sees clearly the beauty above our foggiest circumstances and wants us to know that His “grace is sufficient for all our needs.”

Maybe you are going through a difficult time right now. Take comfort; God cares for you. His presence is with you and “His strength is made perfect in our weakness.” He sees above the clouds of our situation to the breathtaking beauty beyond.

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.


Mark Green
Pastor for Senior Adults & Youth and Children’s Music

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