A Prayer as We Enter the Season of Fall


Our God of all creation, we praise you today.

In the ever-changing seasons, you are forever the same.
Seasons come, and seasons go, yet you remain.
You are a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast, covenant love. Your faithfulness is known to all generations.
For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.
And we thank you, God.

As we enter this season of autumn with its emphasis on joy and abundance,… a time of harvest, colorful foliage, cool refreshing days, family gatherings, festive school rituals, and the like… our hearts are filled with gratitude as we reflect on times in our lives when we have experienced your joy and abundance…

… the carefree days of childhood,
… the joys of school days and the relationships we have made that still endure,
… early adulthood when completing our degrees and entering the work-a-day world with vigor and excitement for all the possibilities that lie ahead in our careers…
… the abundant joys of early marriage and family life when raising our young children, 
... and the challenges… yes, but still the sweetness of having teenagers in the house and the many enriching experiences we get to share with them…
…our mid-careers when we “hit our stride” and make a significant impact on others through our chosen professions.
… and into our retirement years with all its freedoms and opportunities
... and getting to share ALL these times with our dear brothers and sisters in Christ in this place... 

Like the autumn, these are Seasons of joy and abundance… and, like every good gift we can name... they are all from your hand.
And we thank you, God.

But we know... that in addition to these seasons of joy and abundance, there are other seasons of life that are hard... where trouble and pain are the order of our days…

Sickness, surgeries, the loss of a job, chronic pain, a family member struggling with an addiction, the death of a loved one, the physical limits of our bodies in old age, those estranged from family, those on the margins of society, those ostracized for the color of their skin OR just being their true selves…

... for all of these we pray...

… yet, even in these toughest times, help us to know that You are here with us.

You are our God Emmanuel… our God who is always with us and always for us.

Oh God, In the ever-changing seasons, you are forever the same.
Seasons come, and seasons go, yet you remain.
You are a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast, covenant love. Your faithfulness is known to all generations.
For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.
And we thank you, God.

In the name of Christ and by the Spirit we pray. Amen.


R. Mark Green
Pastor to Senior Adults and Youth & Children’s Music

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